First Baptist Church of Cairo
Monday, February 17, 2025
Knowing Christ and Making Him Known


Our Purpose
     The Worship & Arts Team of First Baptist Church of Cairo is made up of individuals who have a passion and calling from God to serve Him through biblical worship and praise. Our goal is to connect people into a growing relationship with Him while we corporately magnify the Name of Jesus higher than any other name.
"I will bless the Lord at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
Psalm 34:1
Celebration Choir
     The FBC Celebration Choir is made up of men and women who passionately desire to serve God by uniting their voices as one, to an audience of One. Our goal is not man's applause but God's applause as we worship Him in Spirit and Truth!
     The FBC Celebration Choir rehearses weekly on Wednesday's from 7:15-8:30. Some of our most recent musicals have been The Story Easter Musical and Born is the King; it's Christmas! We are currently working on our patriotic music, which will be performed on Sunday morning June 26th, as we celebrate our Nations Independence.
Praise Team
     The Praise Team of FBC is a talented group of individuals who utilize the gifts and talents God has given them to Praise His Name! Our goal is to incorporate modern worship music with hymns of the faith, for a truly heart-felt blended service that honors God. We rehearse on Wednesday evening from 6-7:15 and on Sunday morning at 8:30. Vocalist / Praise Team Singers / Praise Band /Instrumentalist / Tech Team make up our Praise Team
Tech Team
     Our Tech Team desires to deliver the best possible sound, video, and computer technology possible. It is our passion for every person who enters the sanctuary at FBC to experience God and His Presence. We rehearse on Wednesday evening from 6-7:15 and on Sunday morning at 8:30.
Sound / Audio / Easy Worship Director / Stage Team / Video Producers
     As you can see there are many areas to serve within the Worship & Arts Team Ministry. If you are interested in serving in one of these areas it would be an honor to talk with you personally! We are honored to train anyone who has a Godly desire and passion to use their gifts and talents for Him!
Contact our Worship Leader
Cameron Crapps
229-377-2233 or